Meet our incredible team

John R. “Rusty” Phenix

Cary Crump

Glenda Wallace
Legal Assistant
Specializes in family law and probate

Penny Utzman
Legal Assistant
Specializes in personal injury and civil trial

Gina Gill
Legal Assistant
Specializes in family law and probate

JoAnn Love
Legal Assistant
Specializes in personal injury and civil trial

Angela Arnold
Receptionist and Hospitality Chairman

Nora Rousseau
Office Manager

Lisa Waugh
General Operations
Schedule a free consultation
(903) 657-3595 | (800) 940-1047
Our personal injury lawyers in Henderson, Texas are ready to protect your rights and to secure the justice and compensation you and your family deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation regarding the details of your personal injury case. There will be no fee on any personal injury claim unless there is a financial recovery made for you.